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Health issues and how to solve it is the type of information that is updated here

Ebola Virus – What is it?


Ebola Virus outbreak has caused a lot of panic among the world nations. In this article we attempt to discuss about Ebola virus, its causes, its possible symptoms. However, we advise you to consult with a doctor for knowing the exact procedures and treatment if you suspect the illness is in your locality. Ebola virus disease – What is it? ... Read More »

Top 10 Cosmetic Surgeries in UK


Advаnсеѕ in ѕсіеnсе аnd technology mеаn that соѕmеtіс рrосеdurеѕ аrе nоt аѕ a frightening a prospect аѕ they may hаvе been іn years gone by. Gоnе аrе thе dауѕ whеn only thе rісh and fаmоuѕ соuld аffоrd tо еnhаnсе thеіr lооkѕ wіth a ԛuісk visit (and lоng recovery) tо a dіѕсrееt соѕmеtіс surgeon. Nоw, mеn аnd wоmеn whо wаnt a ... Read More »

Walking helps in Creative Thinking!


Walking for 30 mins can improve not only our fitness but also our creative thinking as per the new research by Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education, United States. The Researchers conducted the study among students whose responses confirmed the person who walked gave more creative response than  compared to sitting. The researchers explain their decision to focus on walking, ... Read More »

Chronic bullying more dangerous to kids’ health


Does your kid show lack of interest in sport activities that involve running or walking or suffer from low self-esteem? Such signs are enough to alert you to the possibility of chronic bullying that your kid might be going through, shows new study. Bullying at any age was associated with worse mental and physical health, increased depressive symptoms and lower ... Read More »

Breast cancer drug in bodybuilding supplements?


Are you on dietary supplements to build a robust body? Get alarmed as a breast cancer drug is reportedly being sold in bodybuilding dietary supplements. Researchers warn that breast cancer drug tamoxifen – mixed in dietary supplements and used by bodybuilders to prevent and treat gynaecomastia (breast swelling) caused by anabolic steroid use – is being sold as a bodybuilding ... Read More »

Restless sleep behind widespread pain in the elderly?


In your 50s and suffer from widespread pain? Restless sleep may be the reason behind this. Researchers say non-restorative sleep is the strongest predictor of widespread pain onset among adults over age 50. Anxiety, memory impairment and poor physical health among older adults may also increase the risk of developing widespread pain. Muscle, bone and nerve (musculoskeletal) pain is more ... Read More »