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Latin America

News covering the region of Latin America.

School Uniforms with Microchips!

Wonder where this world is heading ? Soon, children will have their school uniforms microchipped to track their every moment to ‘protect’ them and know when they skip classes. Still, wondering who came up with this idea ? In Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil, 20,000 grade school students have recently started wearing uniforms embedded with GPS chips similar to those used ... Read More »

Iran a victim of West conspiracy!

As you might be aware of the recent developments in Middle East (led by Iran with some help from China and Russia) Vs West (Israel, US, UK, France, Europe, Arab), One might wonder , “whats going on! why this hype”. I decided to stay away from such post but the unjustified provocation from Israel and its allies towards Iran made ... Read More »

Microsoft New Logo : Microsoft gives new Logo to Windows 8

Microsoft has decided to shed the 20 year trademark logo and have unveiled a new logo for its Windows 8.  Giving a new meaning to the word ‘Windows’ or to say Bringing back the Microsoft logo to match the word Windows,the message from Microsoft Windows 8 team seems like Business. Usually, On hearing the word ‘Microsoft’ , the first  to ... Read More »

Google Screenwise- A Privacy stealer?

Google has announced financial compensation to all those who help Google track their Online activity including all their private browsing stuff which means, after agreeing with Google for the small compensation, a User is actually giving away his every little online activity both Personal and Official activity. So Google will know, when you Browse online Your Office work [if you ... Read More »

100 feared trapped in sunken Papua New Guinea ferry

About 100 people are feared trapped inside a ferry that sank in rough weather off Papua New Guinea, a rescue official said on Friday, a day after the crowded boat went down with about 350 people on board. Rescuers plucked 238 people from the sea off PNG’s northeast coast after the MV Rabaul Queen was hit by three large waves ... Read More »

India to buy Iranian Oil with Gold

Oh My! This is interesting! Very very interesting! India has agreed to buy Iranian Oil  with gold instead of  Dollars as per latest reports. Earlier last century, American Dollars became a world trademark currency, because of Oil rich countries selling their  Oil for Dollars defying gold. Now, Iran has taken the initiative to sell the Oil for Gold and guess ... Read More »