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Middle East

News covering the Middle East

Iran to Build New Nuclear Plant by 2014

Iran state TV is reporting that Iran is planning on building a new nuclear power plant, alongside its sole existing one in the southern city of Bushehr, by early 2012. Looks like no one in this world can stop Iran from achieving its nuclear dream. The head of the country’s Atomic Energy Organization said, “Iran will build a 1,000-megawatt nuclear ... Read More »

Crashed World War II Plane Found in Desert

A crashed World War II plane that belongs to Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) has been found in the Sahara Desert. It has been found after almost 70 years after it crash landed. Details about who flew the plane and their whereabouts is not clear. Vintage Wings, a Canadian aviation news website was the first to report about it. Jakub ... Read More »

2000 Year Old Tomb in Jerusalem Could Be Jesus Tomb

As archaeologists in Jerusalem are unearthing a 2000 year-old tomb, rumors are rampant that could be the tomb of Jesus. Archaeologists working in Jerusalem claim that a discovery they made inside a burial tomb, dating back to the time of Jesus Christ, could shed new light on the origins of Christianity. Biblical historian James Tabor, professor and chair of religious ... Read More »