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Rihanna Reveals She Misses Chris Brown

Rihanna: I “Miss” Chris Brown At TimesIn a preview video of “Oprah’s Next Chapter” Rihanna has revealed that she does think about her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown and misses him some times.

“I’m reminded by a lot of things, a lot of good memories we had, by the slightest things — hotel rooms, tour venues,” Rihanna tells Oprah, adding, “Any little thing, music, songs…”

She continues, “And I do miss him at times.”

When Oprah asks the star what she’s looking for in a future partner, Rihanna gives an interesting list of attributes.

“I want a man that loves me, cherishes me, values me — but they have to know my value in order to value me,” she says.

Rihanna continues, “I want them to respect me. But I want fun times. I want fun, fun times. I want laughs. I want laughs more than anything.”

“I have everything else — all I want is a partner in crime to enjoy it with,” says Rihanna.

Rihanna’s full interview, in which she also discusses her childhood and her career, airs on OWN on Sunday.

Check out the video preview below:

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