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How to control Pimples?

PimplesPimples is to say a common enemy for Youth’s mainly in the age group of 15 to 20. Now why does this pimple always strike the people of  that age group.

The answer for that is ….[Ahem]…. Hormone problem. Both the sex that is to say Male and Female, experience hormone growth during this period. With over excitement and infactuation towards the opposite sex, Pimples occur as a Result.

Though there are many more chemicals available that claims to prevent  pimples, we recommend you to have natural way of treatment or discuss your doctor first. Do note that , some people are allergic to chemicals and without due prescriptions can damage your Skin to worst stage and might not be able to correct the disease forever.

Here we bring forth possible steps that will help you reduce the Pimples

  • First thing to do in order to prevent Pimple is, take your Hand off it...
  • Drink very high proportion of water, probably 5 litres a day
  • Wash your face with warm or cold water periodically, to say every 2 hours will help you out.
  • Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid Citrus involved fruits.
  • Avoid washing your face with Hot water.
  • Use quality soap.
  • Dont Use Chemicals without Doctor’s Prescription.
  • Avoid Oily food and Junk food, it will increase your pimple trouble.
  • Go on with natural treatment of applying essentials of Lemon to your face.
  • Finally, If nothing helps you out, meet your local doctor and discuss with him.

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