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How to find an Invisible or Hidden Yahoo friend?

Ever Wonder  which of your friends is online in yahoo messenger. Well ofcourse you can tell those who have Yellow light indication as Online.

But How can you tell the ones who are offline. Have u ever suspected that your friend is  avoiding you or making himself invisible to you alone.

Well if this is the case with you, here is an easy method to find the culprit friend of yours who appear themselves  invisible .

  • Download Yahoo messenger : To download it click here
  • Then, Click your offline friend whom you suspect of being Invisible
  • Click  IMVironment –> Select Doodle.
  • If the doodle gets loaded, then your Friend is  ONLINE..
  • If the doodle  displays waiting for your buddy to load doodle, then   KICK  YOURSELF  For suspecting your  friend.

Sounds Simple na. Have a go and try your luck.

For More detailed view, check the image below.

Friend who is Offline

Friend who is Offline

Friend who is Offline

Now, To check friend who keeps us invisible. One of my friend kept me Invisible and i traced him out. Lol

Doodle friend faking offline

Friend Faking himself as Offline by keeping invisible But detected thanks to doodle

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