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World Celebrates Friendship Day

Today, the first Sunday of August, People all over the world celebrate the Friendship Day.

Friendship between the two people is considered so holy that this relationship is considered even above Mother, Father, wife and kids.

It is often said that, “A friend is a person who knows all our deeds, but yet he will remain with us forever.”

Traditionally, any one can celebrate the friendship day but more often it is seen among the school kids and college kids hanging out together and celebrating it.

Life changes when people enter their Professional life, where people try to overtake you and downgrade you in all possible ways possible. Its more like impossible to find a friend in later part of one’s life after college.

How Friendship day Idea Originated?

Wikipedia reports the following,

Friendship Day was originally promoted by Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark cards in 1919, and intended on first sunday of august to be a day where people celebrated their friendships by sending cards.

The first Sunday in August was chosen as the centre of the largest lull in holiday celebrations. Friendship Day was promoted by the greetings card National Association during the 1920s but met with consumer resistance – given that it was rather too obviously a commercial gimmick to promote greetings cards. By the 1940s the number of Friendship Day cards available in the US had dwindled and the holiday largely died out there.

There is no evidence to date for its uptake in Europe, however it has been kept alive and revitalised in Asia where several countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends. Today, Friendship Day is enthusiastically celebrated in a number of countries across the world

Its funny that  Friendship day which is followed throughout the world was proposed with an intention of Commercial gain.

Do you Know?

The UN changed the Friendship day from First sunday of August and has official recognized the International Friendship Day on 30th of July.

In Situations like this, i say Who Cares.  For me every day is Friendship Day!

I leave you with beautiful Friendship day Pic.

Happy Friendship Day Folks

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