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Kelly Beemer:Druken Cop Shoots at Colleagues

Kelly Beemer:Druken Cop Shoots at Colleagues

Kelly Beemer being dragged by cops

DALLAS (LALATE) – PHOTO. Dallas police are furious that drunk Officer Kelly Beemer (picture and video below) fired near them. Kelly Beemer is a 27 year old patrol officer. But last night, Beemer enjoyed a few too many of her favorite beverages during off duty hours. Two off duty Dallas police officers were called to the local bar where Beemer in a tank top had been drinking; they came to pick her up and bring her home.

Harmless, right?

Not so. It’s there that the violence erupted, all captured on video. As NBC Dallas reports, Beemer shouts “This is what you’ve wanted”, one officer responds “To take you home?” to which Beemer replied “To drive me out of my mind to where I have no … control, no control whatsoever. Isn’t this what you wanted?”

At that point, Beemer took out her official police issued gun and shot into the car’s floorboard. Police Chief David Brown is furious. He said today Kelly was acting “reckless” and “unacceptable” while the division added “Officer Beemer’s conduct is a disgrace to herself and the people trying to help her”.

No one was harmed during the shooting. Below is the video.

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