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Home » Science/Tech » Aluratek USB Internet Radio Jukebox AIRJ01F released worldwide

Aluratek USB Internet Radio Jukebox AIRJ01F released worldwide

aluratek-usb-internet-radio-jukeboxThis is strictly for fun loving person who get onto Radio’s for music. What do you know? A new Technology has been developed called Aluratek USB Internet Radio Jukebox AIRJ01F, that will give you access for 13000 Radio stations across the world. Its great to know that this service is available in more than 300 countries.

All you need to have is the USB which will cost you few dollars around 39$. And no need to pay for the radio channels its free buddy. The Aluratek does require that you do have Windows 2000, XP & Vista,Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8,Internet connection.

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