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Is John Cena quitting WWE?

New WWE promo and interesting storyline  says “John Cena leaving or to say quitting  WWE”.

John Cena is honestly a true follower of WWE and a puppet of his boss Vince McMahon. To say that he is leaving WWE is a kind of joke.

But wait a min, he spoked his own thoughts that he is going to take a break and spend the time with his family.

Is he really quitting or is he joking? Lets find out!

Those who saw the television and decided that he is quitting for sure, then hear what Cena has to say in an interview with that was  published yesterday,Cena said, “If everything goes well, we should be shooting from July to September. It’s in pre-production. It’s another action movie. If it comes back all right, there will not be a girl in jeopardy.” For those wondering what the “girl in jeopardy” comment is about, Cena has been criticized because his last two films “The Marine” and now “12 Rounds” feature very similar plots in which Cena fights the bad guys who have taken his woman.

Cena also addressed concerns that he’ll pull a Dwayne Johnson and leave the wrestling industry if his movie career takes off.

“They should all worry because of what people before me have done. I can say it until I’m blue in the face that I’m not going anywhere; I’ll still be on Monday Night Raw. As much as I say it, everyone will worry. I will be the first to be successful on the big screen and keep my dedication to the loyal fans of WWE.”

In the end its all nothing but a great WWE script to keep its show going. I left watching WWE since Triple H went off the air. Heard this weird news of John Cena quitting WWE and i found out the real reason behind it for you folks.

What do you comment on John Cena? Share your thoughts with us.

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  • tori

    John Cena can not quit WWE he is perpect in so many ways for one he is so hot and if john cean is reading this PLEASE DON’T QUIT

  • Bugszor

    I seriously hope that Cena leaves.. he’s so frigging boring. Lame champ… lame moves..
    too frigging superman-like.
    He’s getting championships like a pack of butter.. they’re making ric flair’s 16 times look like a fucking joke.. now that Cena is already at 10..