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Trust to take Bush’s Heisman Trophy

Reggie Bush who was subjected to investigation following the reports of him accepting cash, gifts and other impermissible benefits while playing for the Trojans is about to be stripped off the honor.

According to Yahoo Sports,

Two sources close to the Heisman trust said the body’s investigation is coming to a close, and will ultimately concur with the NCAA’s determination that Bush was ineligible during his Heisman-winning season in 2005. Because of that independent conclusion, sources said the trust will relieve Bush of the award and leave the honor for that season vacant. The sources said Bush met with Heisman representatives last month at the New York law offices of Emmet, Marvin & Martin. The sources would not reveal details of that meeting.

The investigation first broke out after  NCAA claimed that Bush has taken bribes during the tournament. This let the UFC to conduct its own investigation. After years of investigations finally the trust has concluded that Bush has indeed taken gift.

As a result, he will be striped off the honor which he received on 2004.

The status of USC’s 2004 Bowl Championship Series national title remains to be determined. BCS officials are awaiting the NCAA’s ruling on the Trojans’ appeal of the June finding.

Che, this is really shame to the game and sportsmanship . Athelethes today are easily driven to the gifts and bribes. No more do they play for the honor.

The one that plays for gift will be surely caught and the case of Bush has just proved that. So be aware those who cheat!!!

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