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You’re either Nexus or your against us

“You are either Nexus or your against us”, this is the new motive of the radical group calling themselves The Nexus.

After their dominance over WWE for weeks, they now have new challengers at Summerslam. And the challengers include  Bret Hart, John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, R-Truth and The Great Khali.

History behind Nexus:

Nexus are the ex-NXT season 1 rookies. Following the conclusion of NXT season 1, the 8 NXT season 1 rookies, attacked the then champion John Cena to prove a statement to WWE management and demanded contract.

Bret Hart who was the GM of raw declined their offer to give them the WWE contract. In desperation, these NXT rookies attacked the WWE crew, commentators, ring announcer, and in the end Bret Hart himself.

Following week, due to Bret absence from Raw and Fatal 4 way, Vince McMahon dismissed Bret Hart and appointed a new General Manager of Raw who is still anonymous.

The new GM gave NXT rookies the WWE contract. The radical group renamed themselves as The Nexus.

The Nexus didn’t stop their action after getting the WWE contract and still attacked WWE superstars including John Cena, Evan Borne, John Morrison.

Their recent attack on the veteran Edge and Chris Jericho has made situation worse for them.

As both the superstars have now joined with John Cena to take down each and everyone of this Nexus group.

Lets wait and watch as the episodes unfolds themselves.

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  • jessen onuck

    please tell me more about you people