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Tag Archives: 100 Million

May 21, 2011- Judgement Day?

Here we go again, a Christain group is hitting the streets of California claiming May 21,2011 is the Judgement day. Who started this So called Doomsday Warning? According to NPR, Harold Camping, the network’s 89-year-old founder, has been interpreting the Bible on the air for years. He says that everyone knows there would be a judgment day at some point. ... Read More »

iPhone4 Security Issues

A security bug has been detected and its real serious. Visiting a page and trying to read a simple PDF file can turn fatal and give full control of your iPhone or iPad to the hacker. This security bug affects all iOS4 devices including the iPad. The vulnerability is easily exploitable. In fact, the latest one-click, no-computer-required jailbreak solution for ... Read More »