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Tag Archives: Apocalypse

Doomsday Predictions are Bad for Humans

Lets face it all these doomsday predictions are causing more damage than just broken hearts when the doomsday doesn’t arrive on the said date. In case you are wondering what could actually go wrong if someone comes up with a Doomsday Date ? Lets have a look at it. Hmm, most of us just read the news, laugh about it ... Read More »

World to End on October 21st not May 21st

After the world failed to end on May 21st 2011. The California preacher Harold Camping has come up with some revised dates. Its October 21st that the world will end. He said he messed up with the calculation in translating heavenly numbers to earthly numbers. A California preacher who foretold of the world’s end only to see the appointed day ... Read More »

Filmmaker Hickenlooper dies in Denver at 47

Filmmaker George Hickenlooper has died at age 47, just before the premiere of his new film “Casino Jack” at the Starz Denver Film Festival, the Denver Post newspaper reported on Saturday. “We are devastated,” John Hickenlooper, his cousin and the mayor of Denver, said in a statement. “His passion for life, zeal for people and unquenchable curiosity enriched everyone who ... Read More »

2012 doomsday and Nibiru update

Constant searches and voices of concern are seen throughout the world about planet x or Nibiru and its 2012 effects. I will give the best description through question and answers way. 1) Has Nibiru or Planet X spotted in the solar system? Ans) No 2) How do you say that Nibiru or Planet X is not heading this way? Ans) ... Read More »

UK aerospace to face 10% job cut

And Now its UK’s Aerospace turn of  job cuts. Its pretty disappointment what recession has led to the world. To start with, recession occurred as many bank’s  in USA failed leading to many global job cuts, low sales, low turn overs all across the world. Many suffered this so called Apocalypse of  job cuts. Millions of people future is at ... Read More »