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Tag Archives: banks

Claim your missing money via

Let me start the post by adding is not a treasure hunt episode. On the contrary, is a way for an individual to claim his missing money. Sounds silly??? If you think so, then you will be astonished with what the government has to say. Government officials say there are billions of dollars in funds that institutions such ... Read More »

Interest rate Back to form in Australia!!!

The  temporary burial of Interest rate in the world  has again CAME  back to life. Is it  ridiculous, well Australian Government has come out and declared that  the  interest rate will be  increased to  3.25%  from  3%. Australia who avoided   the Recession last year was  a lone nation to survive from the wrath of  Economy downfall when the entire  world ... Read More »

High-frequency trading: useless and manipulative?

I found an interesting  article on the concept for High Frequency trading . The credit for the post is deserved by The explosion of interest in high-frequency trading has started to drag new faces to sometimes staid industry conferences. Traders who for years worked on algorithms and computer codes behind the scenes are stepping into the spotlight. They’re appearing on more and more panel discussions, feeling the need to defend ... Read More »

Hackers hack Twitter and Facebook”

Twitter and Facebook the place where bloggers, users hang out was  hacked by hackers for atleast 2 hours this thursday. Both the Networking sites have not only the users but celebrities , president,sportsperson and many more  Powerful person in the world along with the users. The hacking was called DOS Denial of service. Though they successfully disrupted the service for ... Read More »

Now viruses in ATMs

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Yep its true, Russia leading computer security company Kaspersky has warned banks about a new software virus that infects Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) to steal money from bank accounts of their users. Kaspersky claimed that they have discovered a new virus in the network of several bank ATMs. So what does a virus do in an ... Read More »