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Tag Archives: Crash

NASA Dead Satellite Crash into Earth- Where did it land?

Nasa’s  6 tonne dead satellite has finally crashed into Earth but the million dollar question is where did it land? Scientist are unclear on the exact location of crash, while some Scientist hold the view the Satellite has crashed into Pacific. UARS,Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, was deployed in Space around 1991 to look into Earth’s upper atmosphere. The Satellite was ... Read More »

Red Arrow Pilot dies in Plane Crash

An RAF Red Arrows pilot named Flt Lt Jon Egging, 33,  died when his plane crashed following a display at the Bournemouth Air Festival in Dorset. The crash happened about 1km south east of Bournemouth Airport at 13:50 BST. Eyewitness Account Shaun Spencer-Perkins, who witnessed the crash from Throop Mill, said: “I heard a rushing sound and I saw a ... Read More »

Adam Sandler dead?

OMG! Is Adam Sandler dead. Reports are buzzing online that Adam Sandler is dead. What happened? How did he die? Relax buddy. In reality Adam Sandler is not dead. I love this part, its one of the most famous Internet rumors. Lol, for days these guys were upto something and here it is again, a fake and false rumor. How ... Read More » email down

Verizon email web service is completely out of order.Its kind of blocking a user to login into the page.This is such a mess! No information has been given from Verizon on this blockage of email service. I reckon even they dont know that there is some issue with email. Sounds like a website crash ,if it is then it will ... Read More »