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Tag Archives: Crowd

Sachin Tendulkar meets Roger Federer in Wimbledon Tournament

Today was probably one of those exciting day when Legends from different field met and shared their time with each other. Sachin Tendulkar, the cricketing legend, whose record might perhaps never be broken if even by Sachin himself, was one among the cheerful crowd at the Wimbledon Championships match. We also had Former Grand Slam champion Martina Navratilova present at ... Read More »

Where is your Birthday Certificate Barack Obama?

Latest controversy to hit American President Barack Obama is about his nationalism and his rights as an American. Donald Trump, CEO of the trump organization, is the one to start up the controversy over Birth date certificate by asking a  simple question “Where is your birthday certificate Mr. Obama” . We must first try to understand American sentiments. Its an ... Read More »

Mexican Wrestler Sin Cara Joins WWE Roster

Who is Sin Cara?  A search tag that is now hitting the search engines after the latest WWE announcement. WWE official announced that Sin Cara ( new roster ) has joined them (WWE). That’s great, but who is Sin Cara? As reported in WWE website, Sin Cara is a professional wrestler who begin his wrestling career at an age of ... Read More »

Vince Young Meltdown after lose to Tennessee Titans

The Vince Young meltdown happened after the Tennessee Titans lost to the Washington Redskins with an overtime loss of 19-16 this past Sunday.  Vince Young, starting Quarterback of the Titans, injured his right thumb (his throwing hand), but his meltdown started before the injury occurred. Young was reacting to the crowd’s booing, and the Titans’ coach, Jeff Fisher, didn’t respond ... Read More »

Bret The Hitman Hart returns to Raw

Amazing, yes it is to see Bret Hart back to Monday Night Raw. If you missed the Raw episode  of July 19th, then you missed the fun. It was worth to watch! Bret Hart  Entrance  plot: Nexus demands John cena to join them stating “The Nexus is the present and future of Raw”. If Cena joins them he will be ... Read More »

Brock Lesnar wins over Shane Carwin at UFC 116

Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar emerged from a one-year layoff and serious illness Saturday with a win that showed how much he has matured as a UFC fighter. Lesnar was rocked badly in the first round by unbeaten foe Shane Carwin, who landed punches and knees to end up on top of the former WWE and college wrestling star. But Lesnar ... Read More »