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Tag Archives: Doomsday

Elenin, the latest doomsday bringer?

Elenin, the comet from the outer Oort cloud  is the latest in the long list for doomsday bringer after Planet X, Nibiru, Global Warming, Pole Shift, Alien Invasion, etc. I am sure you readers have done your home work on this itsy bitsy Comet.  Let us investigate more on this. What is Elenin anyway!!! Elenin is a comet like billion ... Read More »

May 21, 2011- Judgement Day?

Here we go again, a Christain group is hitting the streets of California claiming May 21,2011 is the Judgement day. Who started this So called Doomsday Warning? According to NPR, Harold Camping, the network’s 89-year-old founder, has been interpreting the Bible on the air for years. He says that everyone knows there would be a judgment day at some point. ... Read More »

WikiLeaks: Saudis running out of oil

The latest startling revelation to come via documents leaked to Julian Assange’s muckraking website and published by The Guardian should give pause to every suburban SUV-driver. U.S. officials think Saudi Arabia is overpromising on its capacity to supply oil to a fuel-thirsty world. That sets up a scenario, the documents show, whereby the Saudis could dramatically underdeliver on output by ... Read More »

9 ways to get public attention!

All the hush hush and search  to earn in dollars. In today’s world, it is possible to earn but impossible to earn more. Why? because no jobs and blah blah. Now lets see some imaginable method to seek world attention towards you thereby becoming millionaire over night. 1)   Join the chorus of doomsday date knower. Figure out a day that ... Read More »