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Tag Archives: FBI

Missing FBI Agent, Armed and Dangerous!

A missing California FBI agent might possibly be armed and suicidal. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department officials and other law enforcement personnel have searched a mountain area for an FBI agent who has not been seen for more than 24 hours and was said to be despondent and possible suicidal! Los Angeles-based Special Agent Stephen Ivens was last seen ... Read More »

5 Arrested in Plot to Blow-up Cleveland Bridge

Five anarchists have been arrested and are being accused of plotting to blow up Cleveland Bridge to protest corporate America and the U.S. government. Are people really fed up with the U.S government ? U.S was doing so much to stop terrorism that it forgot to care for it’s own people ? Self-proclaimed anarchists Douglas Wright, 26, Brandon Baxter, 20 ... Read More »

Hackers infiltrate Nasdaq!

Hackers have broken into a Nasdaq service that handles confidential communications for some 300 corporations. The company said, exposing another vulnerability in the computer systems that Wall Street runs on. The infiltration of Hackers did not affect the trading systems of Nasdaq and no customer data were hacked. It did not cause any unwanted panic in the Nasdaq trades. A ... Read More »