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Tag Archives: flu

WHO fears Second wave of Swine Flu attack

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is urging people around the world to brace themselves for a second wave of the swine flu pandemic as the heavily populated northern hemisphere edges towards the cooler season when flu thrives. “The WHO is still mobilised and worried,” spokesman Gregory Hartl said as the global health watchdog kept an anxious eye on some “mysterious” ... Read More »

India in ‘Swine Flu Panic’

A Series of Swine Flu death in India has made the country in grave Panic.The Sub Continent now has 4 confirmed deaths due to Swine Flu. The first death due to Swine Flu was reported in Pune.  Rida Sheik, aged 14, a girl studying school was the first victim. After the media aired the report, panic struked India as forest ... Read More »

Swine Flu affect Pregnant Women much Harder

Pregnant Woman from Swine flu located areas “Be aware”. This is what the latest thing  swine flu has made the government officials do. A Study conducted by US medicals finds out that, the swine flu hits the pregnant women 4 times harder than normal population. In other words, they  have a greater risk of adopting the flu than the other. ... Read More »

WHO declares Swine Flu as pandemic

After weeks of close observation  over the swine flu situation,the WHO has finally decided to declare the flu as Pandemic. World Health Organisation(WHO) has also alerted all the member nation on thursday, stating it as the global pandemic. This is the new flu virus to spread globally after the last flu seen before 41 years. The global countries that are ... Read More »