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Tag Archives: Hell

Bing is World’s No.2 Search Engine!

Its been just over a since the launch of Bing, Microsoft’s Search Engine and it has already over took Yahoo and become the world’s no.2 search engine. Microsoft’s Bing search engine has been rapidly rising in popularity since its launch in June of last year. In August, it overtook Yahoo as the No. 2 U.S. Internet search engine, after Google, ... Read More »

Indiana Unemployed candidates can claim their Insurance

Finally, we have some future for the unemployment tragedy which we suffered all over the year. Yeah, this is the hell lot of tragedy, worst period recorded ever. Good days are now on the way. There was a press release in  which states that Indiana’s Unemployed people can now claim their insurance money. Also, an assured job search assistance ... Read More »

Bret The Hitman Hart returns to Raw

Amazing, yes it is to see Bret Hart back to Monday Night Raw. If you missed the Raw episode  of July 19th, then you missed the fun. It was worth to watch! Bret Hart  Entrance  plot: Nexus demands John cena to join them stating “The Nexus is the present and future of Raw”. If Cena joins them he will be ... Read More »

Rodolfo Torre Cantu Killed by a gun men

Absolutely unbelievable Rodolfo Torre Cantu is dead!!  How?? A gunmen assassinated him in his motorcade also killing four other people. What the hell is going on here. I just cant believe it. Rodolfo torre cantu was an electoral candidate for the elections just a week long and he has been assassinated this morning when he was on his way to ... Read More »

Arizona Wildfire continue’s to spread!!!

The Arizona Wild fire is not settling down as its burning out the region. Hundreds of firefighters have been battling the blazes, the larger of which has burned close to 9,000 acres. A man has been arrested for started up the smaller fire thanks to which the hell is witnessed in the region. This  was the small fire. A second ... Read More »

2 year old smokes 40 cigarette a day

A 2 year old from Indonesia wants at-least 40 cigarette a day to remain calm.  If  his condition is not fulfilled the kid will mess around  shouting, screaming to depth of hell  until he is offered a cigarette. What the ….   this was my reaction  after  coming across this post. Man, the kid Ardi looks healthy though. This is what  ... Read More »