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Tag Archives: India

Tata Motors MD Karl Slym Dies in Thailand!


The Managing Director of Tata Motors Karl Slym died suddenly in Thailand where he was attending a board meeting. India-based Tata said in a statement it “deeply regrets to announce the untimely and tragic” death of Mr Slym. The circumstances of his death were not immediately apparent, although several media reports said he may have had a fall at a ... Read More »

Singapore to charge 24 Indian workers for rioting


Singapore prosecutors will charge 24 Indian workers for taking part in the city-state’s first riot in more than 40 years, police said on Tuesday. The men face jail terms of up to 10 years plus caning for charges of rioting with dangerous weapons in the hour-long fracas on Sunday night, triggered when an Indian construction worker was struck and killed ... Read More »

Finally, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar In Controversy


Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, the former Indian Legend who retired from all forms of cricket has finally landed himself in a controversy. The Legend who has seen 24 glorious international cricketing years has rarely faced any controversies on or off the cricket field. Millions, perhaps billions cricketing fans cried the day the legend bid good bye.  Their eyes were not even ... Read More »

India Blackout: Half of India Plunges in Darkness!!

India plunges into darkness as almost half of India population is without power. This has happened due to multiple grid failures across 19 states! This is the largest and biggest power outage ever in the world, congrats to India you just registered your name in history. Stretching from Assam, near China, to the Himalayas and the northwestern deserts of Rajasthan, ... Read More »