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Tag Archives: Iphone 4

Virgin Mobile Launches $30 per Month iPhone!

Virgin Mobile will start selling prepaid, no-contract phone service for iPhone 4 at just $549 and service at $30 per month. This will be available from June 29th onwards. But though the price may be attractive, it is actually costs higher then other service provider. The phone plus two years of service will cost $1269, that is almost $800 less ... Read More »

IPhone 4 explodes on Airplane

The worldwide phenomenon Apple’s Iphone 4 is on the news again but this time around its bad for Apple.  An Apple Iphone 4 exploded in an Airplane while the plane was on air in Australia. According to a Regional Express statement, While on Australian flight Regional Express ZL319 Friday, a passenger’s iPhone 4 suddenly started “emitting a significant amount of dense ... Read More »

Amazon Has No Plans to Carry Verizon iPhone has no plans to carry the Verizon iPhone, a spokesman said late Thursday. “At this time, we do not have plans to carry the Verizon iPhone,” a spokeswoman for the company said. “I will be in touch if that changes.” Although companies sometimes deny plans to launch a product until it launches, the more typical response is to simply ... Read More »

5 reasons to buy verizon Iphone 5

Reasons to buy 1. Verizon Network Is Reliable This point should be obvious by now given the sheer amount of press and marketing that Verizon has put into it. Verizon’s coverage really is more reliable nationwide, even though AT&T has been making strides to catch up. Any AT&T iPhone user who has had five calls drop in a row or ... Read More »

Verizon’s iPhone Release Date Official!

At a press conference in New York City, Verizon CEO Lowell MacAdam announced that the iPhone 4 will be available on Verizon’s network starting February 2011. A 16GB version of the iPhone 4 will cost $200, with a two-year contract. Apple’s smartphone will launch on Verizon on February 10th of this year, with pre-orders for existing Verizon customers starting on ... Read More »

How to activate Find my Iphone for iOS 4!

Here it is! Apple’s new Update:  Find My iPhone. As its name suggests, Find My iPhone is a tracking feature to locate a missing iPhone 4, iPad or fourth-generation iPod Touch. (Only the latest models get the free feature.) If you’ve dropped your iDevice in a cab, or if someone’s stolen it, you can hop on a computer to follow ... Read More »

Apple iphone4 problems

Apple iphone 4 has just been released and boy, it lands up in  various issues and dissatisfaction from the customers. Tut, tut, this time it didnt worked for Apple. It seems that customer are really facing issues with iphone. So here is a post which tells you 5 big flaws of the apple iphone 4 (source : Yahoo) Here are ... Read More »