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Tag Archives: job

Every opening has 4.6 jobless workers!

So, for all those unemployed people is finding jobs get harder and harder by the day ? Looks like now you can prove that it is hard.  The Labor Department has found out that for every opening, requirement in a concern there are 4.6 jobless workers. The frighting news is this will only keep getting higher. So, if you have ... Read More »

May 21, 2011- Judgement Day?

Here we go again, a Christain group is hitting the streets of California claiming May 21,2011 is the Judgement day. Who started this So called Doomsday Warning? According to NPR, Harold Camping, the network’s 89-year-old founder, has been interpreting the Bible on the air for years. He says that everyone knows there would be a judgment day at some point. ... Read More »

Jordan King swears new Government

Jordan’s King Abdullah swore in a new government on Wednesday, replacing a business friendly prime minister with an ex-general in response to anti-government protests inspired by uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. US ally Abdullah appointed Marouf Bakhit, a conservative former premier drawn from the ranks of the powerful security establishment, last week to replace Samir Rifai, who was dismissed after ... Read More »