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Tag Archives: John Morrison

Wrestlemania 27 Results!!!

Wrestlemania 27 has been concluded and we have the results now. I told you earlier to expect the unexpected, the Wrestlemania 27 results just proved that. Even, i am surprised with some of the results. I wondered why Rocky stopped Cena from winning the title. I reckon, the Rock want to win the title and then challenge Cena. Triple H ... Read More »

Alberto Del Rio wins WWE Royal Rumble 2011!!!

WTF! Couldnt believe my eyes! Alberto Del Rio has won the WWE Royal Rumble 2011, that gives him a straight championship match at wrestlemania 27. Alberto Del Rio will be given the opportunity to select the champion of his choice. He could either face WWE champion from Raw or he could face WWE World  Champion from Smack Down. The Royal ... Read More »

WWE TLC 2010 Results!

WWE TLC 2010 match results are out with a surprising results. For one thing, i  never thought Edge will successfully defeat Kane and Rey Mysterio but he did! Congrats to Edge! Randy Orton lose to Miz was really really disappointing. For John Cena, i will only quote, Please stop playing the script and fight for real! TLC 2010 match results: ... Read More »

Triple H returns in WWE fan appreciation day

WWE fan appreciation day was a night unforgettable for many reasons. My favourite reason is Triple H return. And the return was in style, he came out to rescue John Cena from the Nexus assault. So does Big Show and Randy Orton rushed out to save Cena. So,its fair in love ,politics and WWE. Yep, just months back, Randy Orton ... Read More »

WWE summerslam 2010 results

Here we are finally. The summerslam action is back. Unlike any other Summerslam, Summerslam 2010 has more cruel battle which will decide the future of WWE. Yeah, am mentioning about the rivalry between Team WWE which includes John Cena, Bret Hart, Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, R Truth and the undecided member against the evil Nexus. Did you notice the ... Read More »

You’re either Nexus or your against us

“You are either Nexus or your against us”, this is the new motive of the radical group calling themselves The Nexus. After their dominance over WWE for weeks, they now have new challengers at Summerslam. And the challengers include  Bret Hart, John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, R-Truth and The Great Khali. History behind Nexus: Nexus are the ex-NXT ... Read More »

Bret The Hitman Hart returns to Raw

Amazing, yes it is to see Bret Hart back to Monday Night Raw. If you missed the Raw episode  of July 19th, then you missed the fun. It was worth to watch! Bret Hart  Entrance  plot: Nexus demands John cena to join them stating “The Nexus is the present and future of Raw”. If Cena joins them he will be ... Read More »