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Tag Archives: Livelihood

May 21, 2011- Judgement Day?

Here we go again, a Christain group is hitting the streets of California claiming May 21,2011 is the Judgement day. Who started this So called Doomsday Warning? According to NPR, Harold Camping, the network’s 89-year-old founder, has been interpreting the Bible on the air for years. He says that everyone knows there would be a judgment day at some point. ... Read More »

US unemployment touches new low

US unemployment rate has been continuously falling down as per authorities. From 8.9% this feb, it has gone down to 8.8% last month that is March 2011. However, it is unfortunate to report that most job seekers have been pushed to elect the low paying jobs for their livelihood. According to the US Department of Labor, Employers created 216,000 jobs ... Read More »

Batista coming back to WWE

Is Batista returning to WWE? Rumors say  ‘Yes’. The information broke out like a fire after Batista gave a short interview. Batista told – “I will not be doing MMA/Strikeforce any time soon. So you can see me in the future of the WWE”. Now lets dig deep into the rumors and try to find whether it is possible ... Read More »

Spirit Airlines pilots go on strike!

The pilots of Spirit Airlines walked off their jobs on Saturday morning. They are on strike protesting demanding better pay. The strike was called on after negotiations that went on into the wee hours failed to produce a new contract. “Spirit pilots are willing to withdraw their services to get the contract they deserve,” said Captain John Prater, president of ... Read More »