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Tag Archives: New Virus

Virus Targeting Iran

A new virus the Stuxnet worm was found and its mission and purpose of creation is to ‘targeted high-value Iranian assets’. How disparate can US get ? Or Israel ? Well, someones got to be behind it. Experts have found this to worm to be one of the most sophisticated pieces of malware ever detected and it was probably targeting ... Read More »

America under Virus Attack “Anti Virus Pro 2010″

Beware Home users  a new  virus in the name  ” Anti Virus Pro 2010″ is spreading at rapid speed  and infecting your system.  The recent survey concluded by our partner shows that nearly 1 in 4 of  American household  system has indeed been  infected by this virus ” Anti Virus pro 2010″ . The main thing this spyware will do ... Read More »

WHO fears Second wave of Swine Flu attack

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is urging people around the world to brace themselves for a second wave of the swine flu pandemic as the heavily populated northern hemisphere edges towards the cooler season when flu thrives. “The WHO is still mobilised and worried,” spokesman Gregory Hartl said as the global health watchdog kept an anxious eye on some “mysterious” ... Read More »

Now viruses in ATMs

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Yep its true, Russia leading computer security company Kaspersky has warned banks about a new software virus that infects Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) to steal money from bank accounts of their users. Kaspersky claimed that they have discovered a new virus in the network of several bank ATMs. So what does a virus do in an ... Read More »