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Tag Archives: Nibiru

Elenin, the latest doomsday bringer?

Elenin, the comet from the outer Oort cloud  is the latest in the long list for doomsday bringer after Planet X, Nibiru, Global Warming, Pole Shift, Alien Invasion, etc. I am sure you readers have done your home work on this itsy bitsy Comet.  Let us investigate more on this. What is Elenin anyway!!! Elenin is a comet like billion ... Read More »

Two Moons on the sky in August 27,2010?

Come on people, what makes you believe this absolute rumor. Yes, it is a rumor spread through Email  to gain concentration on unwanted issue. So how the story of Two Moons 2010 begin? In the year 2003, Mars came very close to Earth, that in resemblance looked like a moon but its a planet. So on August 27, 2003  people ... Read More »