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Tag Archives: Omg

Adam Sandler dead?

OMG! Is Adam Sandler dead. Reports are buzzing online that Adam Sandler is dead. What happened? How did he die? Relax buddy. In reality Adam Sandler is not dead. I love this part, its one of the most famous Internet rumors. Lol, for days these guys were upto something and here it is again, a fake and false rumor. How ... Read More »

WWE to sign 6 feet 9 inches diva named Isis

OMG!! Cant believe my eyes. There is an speculation surrounding WWE’s latest diva sign up. All Wrestling based websites support the new inclusion of the diva whose name is Isis. And it is reported that she is  6.9 feet high, just less than Big Show. According to, it is reported that Isis actually was present in both the episodes ... Read More »