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Tag Archives: prime minister

Rahul Gandhi for Prime Minister 2014: Congress

Rahul Gandhi, son of late Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi,  is on the race for the  Prime Minister post along with hundreds others, as per latest development in Indian Politics. Rahul Gandhi, aged 42,  is the  member of Congress party in India, headed by his mother Sonia Gandhi. He is also a member of  Parliament of India. Boy, I never cover  ... Read More »

Jordan King swears new Government

Jordan’s King Abdullah swore in a new government on Wednesday, replacing a business friendly prime minister with an ex-general in response to anti-government protests inspired by uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. US ally Abdullah appointed Marouf Bakhit, a conservative former premier drawn from the ranks of the powerful security establishment, last week to replace Samir Rifai, who was dismissed after ... Read More »

India’s Political Drama!

There is a pretty good political drama revolving around Indian Politics. First, the commonwealth games mess and now they deny the farmers their own land due to the River Yamuna expansion project. The agitated  farmers of Uttar Pradesh led a huge march in Delhi demanding their rights . They demand a better compensation for the land which is being taken ... Read More »

We thank people of India: Sonia Gandhi

After the win in the general election 2009, Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi thanked the people of India for Voting them. Sonia Gandhi said “People of India always make the Correct choice”. She also said “Dr.Manmohan singh is our Prime minister”. Congress party members gave a huge applause and expressed their joy stating the reason of the win is due ... Read More »

We Accept the defeat: BJP

The results for the parlimentary elections that was held in various states of India in 6 different phase are out  on saturday. Congress led alliance win the elections and have the majority to form the government. The other big party BJP which  expected to bounce back to power failed to prove the point. It was a major setback for them ... Read More »