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Tag Archives: resignation

Iran President to resume Work

After days of boycotting his Presidential duties Iran President Ahmadinejad is all set to return to his office Ahmadinejad was not seen in work for almost a week following a rift between himself and the Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei over the resignation of Intelligence minister Heidar Moslehi last month.. However, after the continual demand of the MPs with over 300 ... Read More »

Alec Baldwin to retire in 2012

Alec Baldwin, 30 rock star, has decided to call his acting career off by 2012. Alec Baldwin wishes to spend more time to his private life then the acting career, adding to CNN “As much as I like acting, I know that I would love to have a different life. A private life. I think doing this now for a ... Read More »

Pak chief selector says decision to quit is final

Pakistan cricket chief selector Iqbal Qasim Monday refused to reconsider his decision to resign following the team’s poor showing on the current tour of Australia. Ijaz Butt, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman, said Monday that he has not accepted Qasim’s resignation and he will try to convince the former Test spinner to review his decision. However, Qasim made it ... Read More »

Urban Meyer Resignation turned into Leave of Absense

Just recently the head coach of  Florida university Urban Meyer dropped a huge bombshell to the fans  by announcing  his resignation from the football team. It sure brought a great disappointment. The man who brought fame by making his team win 2 championship in his early 4 years of appointment as coach  is something people cant forget. As huge speculations ... Read More »