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Tag Archives: risk

Working Moms Have Fat Kids

Listen up, Working Mothers all over the globe. The health of your kids is at risk! While you work, your kids has high possibility of developing obesity with 6 times more likely than others It is official that,  Moms who go for work and spend lot of time in office have risked the highest possibility of their kids developing  Obesity ... Read More »

Low Fat Yoghurt bad for Pregnant Woman?

Pregnant women who eat low-fat yoghurt can increase the risk of their child developing asthma and hay fever, a study says. The Researchers who analyzed the diets of more than 70,000 Danish women and their children aged until  seven suggested this could be due to an absence of protective fatty acids in yoghurt Pregnant women who ate low-fat yoghurt with ... Read More »

Dont comb your Hair or risk getting Killed!

Don’t Comb your Hair or you will die, warns doctors to a schoolgirl in Scotland who has a rare condition of  brain shutting down if she vigorously combs her hair. The girl named Megan Stewart, 13, has a rare condition – Hair Brushing Syndrome – which means she must avoid wearing polyester or touching balloons. Any contact with electrical charges ... Read More »

Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano erupts again!

Iceland’s Grimsvotn Volcano that caused a nightmare to over 10  million aero passengers last year has started erupting once again. Though, the Meteorological Office say, the ash problem which was encountered in the year 2010 thanks to the ash from the same volcano  is unlikely to take place now, the Iceland Isavia airport is taking no risk by announcing a ... Read More »

How to handle Unruly child?

Mischievous child, a  parenting problem which has touched all the parents in the world has indeed become more like a challenge each and every day. Normally, parents are very forgiving in nature when they see their kids making a mess with neighbors or other kids. But what they fail to understand is , if they did not teach discipline to ... Read More »

Investors growing worries on Google Stock

Google’s stock is exactly where it was in September 2007, and it has fallen 9% since Eric Schmidt announced in January that he’d be stepping down as CEO. The problem, investors say, is that for every reason to believe in Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), there seems to be a counterbalancing reason for concern. The company is growing rapidly, but antitrust ... Read More »