Friday , 26 July 2024
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Tag Archives: Rose

U.S. Gold Hits Record High

The Gold is getting hotter by the day. In US the gold has hit a record high price of above $1300 an ounce. Thanks to the failing markets and low confidence in market, people are now turning to Gold for refugee. Investors are now eying the Gold for their investments. This is increasing the demand and shooting the price up. ... Read More »

US home Sales back in Business

Its been a good month for the people in US who are the worst hit developed nation thanking the recession. The good part is that US members are beginning to buy new home as reported in BBC. When compared the rate of new houses purchase this july with last july,  sales accounts of last year shows that there was 46 ... Read More »

Divorced Men Cry more than Divorced Women

First  of all the common arguments start between couples, then great fight, then split up and finally Divorce. Many couples mainly Men think they have done the right thing by ditching their spouse. well, if your one of those guys who are deciding to have divorce, then you should be the first to read this post. A study conducted by ... Read More »