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Tag Archives: scientist

Light Created from Empty space excites scientist

The theory that was proposed 41 years ago quoting, “Empty space is not actually an empty space” has finally been proved by scientist. As reported via newscientist, Chris Wilson and his colleagues conducted an experiment, by pulling photons out of the void in a process called the dynamical Casimir effect. “It was a difficult technical experiment,” says Wilson. “We were ... Read More »

Venus Has Ozone Layer!

Venus has surprised us all with the presence of a massive Ozone Layer. Yep, the discovery was done by few scientist who were trying to observe other galaxies. The light from the other stars were fainter than expected. Further research proved the reason behind the so-called faint light is due to the ozone layer of Venus which was obviously absorbing ... Read More »

Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano erupts again!

Iceland’s Grimsvotn Volcano that caused a nightmare to over 10  million aero passengers last year has started erupting once again. Though, the Meteorological Office say, the ash problem which was encountered in the year 2010 thanks to the ash from the same volcano  is unlikely to take place now, the Iceland Isavia airport is taking no risk by announcing a ... Read More »

Just Breath to detect Cancer

A new technology will now detect  cancer just by  doing the breath test on the patient with an “electronic nose”, says scientist from Technion Israel Institute of Technology . The highly sophisticated device can detect even malignant head and neck cancer tumours, which are often hard to diagnose. The device is designed to pick up on microscopic chemical changes that ... Read More »

Mammoths to be cloned!

Scientist, who have taken up a mission to resurrect the lost world has begin their process to clone a mammoth, that lived 10000 years ago. Bloody hell! How could they do it? Well, it all comes down to cloning. I dont know what will be the outcome but scientist are doing all in their power to play God. Duh! How ... Read More »

Rare Saharan Cheetah caught on Camera!

Saharan Cheetah finally photographed. Boy it thrills me to share the information about this most rare breed of cheetah photograph. Its been reported that the total population of this Saharan Cheetah is said to be somewhere around 10 to 200. I believe the readers will emphasize on how crucial the photo’s are to the scientist. “I think we were more ... Read More »

Two Moons on the sky in August 27,2010?

Come on people, what makes you believe this absolute rumor. Yes, it is a rumor spread through Email  to gain concentration on unwanted issue. So how the story of Two Moons 2010 begin? In the year 2003, Mars came very close to Earth, that in resemblance looked like a moon but its a planet. So on August 27, 2003  people ... Read More »