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Tag Archives: steps

How to protect yourself from Tornadoes?


Tornadoes can be devastating acts of nature. These  thunderstorms can reach winds of 300 miles per hour, and can devastate neighborhoods and towns in minutes. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, says the peak tornado months are March through May in the southern states and from late spring through early summer in the North. How to prepare yourself when a tornado warning ... Read More »

How to clean my home after construction work?

Been into cleaning recently? After having an average construction work in home- for instance Cutting and sanding construction materials — including drywall, tile, masonry or wood, one might find an impossible task waiting for them underneath their feet- Dust! cleaning and wiping the home after an construction work is never easy. I found an interesting article on, on similar ... Read More »

10 Failure Factors to Avoid Success

In the hustle and bustle of this technologically packed world you may decide you really don’t want to achieve any lasting success in your lifetime. Sure, you can find a lot of strategies and tips here that can help you increase your success rate. But what about the people who are perfectly happy not achieving anything? Is it fair that ... Read More »