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Tag Archives: Truth

Did the Miz and R truth Really get fired?

WWE COO Triple H has fired the Miz and R truth! Why did Triple H fire them? Well, it all goes down to the Night of Champions Pay Per View where The Miz and R-Truth beat up two Referees during their match against WWE Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston. The team of Miz and R-Truth  further attacked ... Read More »

Malcolm X Quotes

Today May 19th is the birthday of Malcolm X. Let remember our Black Prince today by reading some of his words of wisdom. A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Malcolm X If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success. Malcolm X Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who ... Read More »

Facebook running anti google campaigns?

Facebook has accepted the fact that it has been raising anti-Google campaign. As reported via BBC, Facebook has confirmed that it used Burson-Marsteller to expose things which Google was doing that “raised privacy concerns”, but denied that it had authorised a smear campaign. “Instead, we wanted third parties to verify that people did not approve of the collection and use ... Read More »

Reasons Not To Believe Zodiac Signs!

For centuries, Men has moulded his decisions, his careers, his happiness all in the name of zodiac signs and its warnings. Although, majority of educated people are still following zodiac signs, i still believe modern world is waking up from this superstitious belief . Let me reason out why not to believe zodiac signs. Here we go! The people who ... Read More »

Dead Girl in Google Street View!

Well, it seems apparently Google’s street view was involved in a murder. Google’s Street View of Middle Road in Worcester, England has a dead girl in it and Google as usual didn’t bother about it or report to the police at least. This is the actual image from Google’s street view : The locals who saw this on street view ... Read More »

Bret The Hitman Hart returns to Raw

Amazing, yes it is to see Bret Hart back to Monday Night Raw. If you missed the Raw episode  of July 19th, then you missed the fun. It was worth to watch! Bret Hart  Entrance  plot: Nexus demands John cena to join them stating “The Nexus is the present and future of Raw”. If Cena joins them he will be ... Read More »