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Tag Archives: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Chipotle in Trouble For Hiring Illegal Workers

Chipotle Mexican Grill is in trouble as U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has started investigations against the the restaurant chain for allegedly hiring undocumented illegal workers. All fingers seems to point Chipotle as the Danver-based company fired about 500 employees a year back following audits by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arm. Chipotle said ... Read More »

Yahoo CEO shown the Door, Thanks to Loeb

Yahoo will be replacing it’s CEO again. Yahoo’s CEO Scott Thompson stepped down on Sunday just after 4 months on the job. Yahoo went an extra mile to hire Scott Thompson by offering him attractive pay package. It seems Scott’s lie in his resume though was excused by other investors, Daniel Loeb couldn’t accept it. Chief Executive Scott Thompson stepped ... Read More »

Facebook’s Financial Stats from Q1 2012

Facebook on Monday filed an amendment to its S-1 documents originally submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on February 1. This has somehow reached the media. With its IPO date reportedly set for May 17, the social networking giant has published new stats that reflect growth and revenue over the last fiscal quarter, which ended on March 31. ... Read More »