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Tag Archives: Wikipedia

World Celebrates Friendship Day

Today, the first Sunday of August, People all over the world celebrate the Friendship Day. Friendship between the two people is considered so holy that this relationship is considered even above Mother, Father, wife and kids. It is often said that, “A friend is a person who knows all our deeds, but yet he will remain with us forever.” Traditionally, ... Read More »

Young Penguins dying due to lack of food!!!

Penguins, the most beautiful species of our Planet, has started to decline, says a new US study on Tuesday. Penguins, who were once present in large numbers such as 8 millions have drastically fallen down to 2 – 3 million thanks to low availability of food caused by the changing climate and melting ice. The study pointed out “Young Penguins ... Read More »

How to tie a bow tie?

What is a bow tie? According to Wikipedia, the bow tie is a type of men’s necktie. It consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Ready-tied bow ties are available, in which the distinctive bow is sewn into shape and the band around the neck ... Read More »

Supermoon does not cause Japan’s disaster!

A heavy quake that rattled the country and its people,  had brought along with it the giant killer waves that destroyed the ancient and world power ‘Japan’. Every individual who tracks the news have seen the nature’s wrath yesterday when the tsunami hit the Japan. As the country and its people along with the billions of people worldwide started to  ... Read More »

Wikipedia turn 10!

Wikipedia turns 10 today. The popular site that is threatening the very existence of a library in your area has completed 10 years of online service. The free collaborative encyclopedia’s growth over the last decade into the fifth most visited Internet site in the world, of course, indicates how much more it’s become than that. Wikipedia, run by the nonprofit ... Read More »

Gus Johnson inducted in Hall of Fame

Gus Johnson, finally recognized and proudly inducted in the Hall of  Fame. This is a great moment for Gus Johnson’s fans. Though he is inducted in the Hall of famer, the moment arrived after 23 years of his death. Gus Johnson, the former Bullets’ star,  served the team from 1963 to 1973,just last night when the Bullets’ first big star, ... Read More »