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Tag Archives: Wsj

What is the most common password?

What is the most common computer password! This is the top search query in Google search engine thanks to the Gawker hacking incident. The following are the top 13 most common passwords, according to WSJ’s examination of the 188,279 passwords that were leaked: 1. 123456 2. password 3. 12345678 4. lifehack 5. qwerty 6. abc123 7. 111111 8. monkey 9. ... Read More »

Google TV faces No Service from ABC,CBS and NBC!

Today in “Old media versus the Internet,” the Wall Street Journal is reporting that major studios ABC (owned by Disney), CBS (part of CBS Corp) and NBC (owned by GE) have joined Hulu in blocking Google TV from accessing the available television episodes on their websites. Various timeworn concerns such as lack of a viable business model for content owners, ... Read More »

‘Twilight’ Tops Weekend Box Office

Vampires and werewolves ruled at the box office this Fourth of July weekend, with Summit Entertainment’s third installment of “The Twilight Saga” taking in $161.7 million since opening Wednesday. That’s one of the biggest five-day debuts in Hollywood history, previously surpassed by just a handful of films including “The Dark Knight” and last summer’s sequel to “Transformers.” After Monday, “Eclipse” ... Read More »