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Tag Archives: Yahoo Yahoo

Yahoo Sells Delicious to Youtube founders

Yet an another sale from Yahoo! Yahoo services shut down which has become a common news today has more to add to it. After the recent closing of Yahoo Services such as Yahoo Buzz, Mybloglog , Yahoo has gone on to sell its service Delicious to You tube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. Reader should note that, Youtube was ... Read More »

Yahoo! MyblogLog to be discontinued!

Merlins beard, i couldnt believe on the email which i just received from Yahoo!  In the email, Yahoo officially states ” MyBloglog Service is to be discontinued” can you believe it? I couldnt believe my eyes on what i am seeing. What is Yahoo! MyBloglog? For those who are unaware, let me first tell you what Yahoo! MyBlogLog is. MyBlogLog, ... Read More »

Yahoo opens New Yahoo Meme!

Just months after Yahoo closed it geocities for some reason. But have returned back very  strong by opening up So what is this meme yahoo? Yahoo meme is similar to twitter. Here you can create a post, update it and also spread it as you do with twitter. You can also have followers and your website or information can ... Read More »