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Tag Archives: years

US may face Water crisis in 40 years

In 40 years, climate change and increase population may push the United States to a major water crisis, says a new report. Sujoy B. Roy, director for research and development (R&D), Tetra Tech Inc., Lafayette, US, and colleagues explain that population growth is expected to increase the demand for water for municipal use and for power generation beyond existing levels. ... Read More »

Giant Milky Bar Snail found in New Zealand

A Giant Snail also known as Albino Snail nicknamed “Milky Bar snail” has been found in New Zealand by a group of  hikers. With this find, the Snail becomes only the second in the recorded history of  white Snails. The  Snail ‘Powelliphanta’, is meat eating Carnivores usually preying on Earthworms and sometimes on slugs. These type of snails are found ... Read More »

In God We Trust remains US motto

Amid the global economic crisis and the state of  its  own [US ] citizens in jeopardy, we have a topic that is currently being debated all over the state. The topic on debate is whether to keep the words “In God We Trust” as the US motto. Today, a resolution was passed on the house “reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’ ... Read More »

Sea Levels to rise 60 cm by Year 2100

Increasing global chaos with International countries playing with the climate as though they own it has lead the Earth to the point of destruction. Yeah we knew it already. Whats new in it? Well, Scientist have again warned us with the increasing dangers in Sea levels through out the world which will indeed prove to be very dangerous by the ... Read More »

Every opening has 4.6 jobless workers!

So, for all those unemployed people is finding jobs get harder and harder by the day ? Looks like now you can prove that it is hard.  The Labor Department has found out that for every opening, requirement in a concern there are 4.6 jobless workers. The frighting news is this will only keep getting higher. So, if you have ... Read More »