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Supermoon does not cause Japan’s disaster!

A heavy quake that rattled the country and its people,  had brought along with it the giant killer waves that destroyed the ancient and world power ‘Japan’.

Every individual who tracks the news have seen the nature’s wrath yesterday when the tsunami hit the Japan.

As the country and its people along with the billions of people worldwide started to  recover from this horror, a conspiracy theory went on the air blaming the Supermoon for the disaster that have occurred in Japan.

What people failed to understand is ,”Supermoon actually didnt take place at all”.

Before proceeding with the post, let me tell you what is Supermoon day?

As per wikipediaSupermoon is a term used by astrologers to describe a full moon which coincides with its closest position to Earth (perigee). The term is not widely accepted, especially in the scientific community.

Specifically, a supermoon is either a full moon or new moon, at 90 percent or more of its closest perigee. The 19th March 2011 supermoon will be one of the nearest approaches in the past 18 years, with an exact distance of 356,577 kilometres (221,567 mi), though this is only a few km less than average perigee.

Although the myth says Supermoon will cause the giant killer waves and horror associated with, in reality the Supermoon never happened .

The very fact which people say that Moon was closet to Earth, it was not. The moon was farthest away from the Earth when the earthquake hit Japan.

Discover magazine deals with the logic behind the Earthquake and Tsunami, more effectively. Click here to know more on this subject

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