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FBI photos on Osama Bin Laden

First of all, i would like to begin stating  “FBI and Osama are old friends”. The reason behind it is simple, if one tries to forget the other , the other tries hard to remember him”

This is exactly the reason behind FBI and Osama Bin Laden.  Laden is gone out and is not seen by any from past few years.  Rumours highly speculate Bin Laden died of Typhoid. The report of Osama Bin Laden dead was ofcourse found  in France Government confidental report. We all know how hard it is to convince France.

Now, FBI has taken few of Bin Laden photos and worked on it to  “digitally enhance the photos“.  The picture shows the aging Laden. FBI says they wanted to make sure that they enhance the pics so that if any person sees bin laden in disguise, he may be able to recognize him and inform the officials.

What do you think on this latest  FBI  development?

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