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Its All Over, Says Ex Union Minister Dayanidhi Maran

Rs. 1 lakh 74 thousand crore  (Rs.  1,74,000,00000000) scam that rattled and stunned a common Indian man, is now rattling the people behind the scenes.

It was the year 2010, when the first news broke out of  the newspaper corner, who continued about a never before scam terming 2G scam.

Common Readers initially couldnt understand what it is all about and just skipped the headlines. But wait, that was not the end.

When the succession news broke out about the total number of money involved in the scam and which some minister easily went away without even getting enquired changed the face of politics in India.

Oh yeah. The 2G scam was the father of corruption that made common indian man go out to streets in protest. As a result, Lokpal movement begin but yet not signed.

Coming back to the 2G scam, the then IT minister A Raja was immediately brought to spot light by the local media and is now a safe resident of Tihar jail.

That is not the end.

The CBI cornered one more union minister Konimozhi. After days of appeals and verdict, she is also a safe resident of Tihar Jail.

Now the local media turned to a Minister who was and is known as the brilliant king stroke Maker.


Of course, it is Maran. Who was an Ex IT minister and was a current Textile minister before resigning today.

Local Media questioned Maran’s role in 2G scam, as he was the IT minister before A Raja.

Troubled by the Media storm and CBI influence, Mr. Maran quit today.

According to his close associates, “Before the resignation, Mr. Maran said ‘Its All Over'”

Well, it will be really interesting to see, how Maran comes out clean against the allegations.

What do you think? What will now become of Dayanidhi Maran? Share with us on your views.

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