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Katie Couric may quit CBS Evening News

Katie Couric, the famous CBS NEWS Anchor has landed herself into the news after the rumors spread out that she might not renew her contract with CBS and may start up her own syndicated show around September 2012.

What AP and NYtimes report on Katie Couric?

According to The AP, Couric will step down from her role as anchor of the ‘CBS Evening News’ after almost five years in the job. The AP says a network executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity because Couric has not officially announced her plans, reported the move Sunday night.

No departure date has been set, but Couric’s contract expires June 4th. She is now expected to launch a syndicated talk show in 2012, and several companies — including CBS — are reportedly vying for her services.

The New York Post reports that CBS offered Couric a new package including both a daytime talk show and a prestigious regular slot on Sunday night news magazine, ’60 Minutes.’ Although Couric’s current contract stipulates that she contribute to ’60 Minutes’ at least six times a year, she’s never received any assignments from the producers.

However, Rome Hartman, Couric’s first executive producer at the ‘CBS Evening News,’ told The AP that, while Couric’s tenure clearly didn’t work out as well as CBS hoped, “I don’t think it’s right to think of it as, or call it, a failure. … There are people who love Katie and those who don’t love her and that was a factor,” he said. “But it was the overall dynamics. There was a rock that we couldn’t move and I don’t think it would have mattered who we would have put in there.”

TMZ goes on to add that, Katie Couric was not the person who made out the CBS Exit Deal. Now, this statement from TMZ speaks a lot on the whole CBS- Couric saga.

What we understand is that, CBS which is the third best news broadcast in the country, could no longer pay a $15 million salary package to Katie . In the end, as usual, the money factor made them to go against Katie.

It is understood from sources that, Katie may call it a quit in few weeks.

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