American President Barrack Obama surrounded by the Secret Service during his short meet with supporters
I was Browsing online where i came across this interesting story that explains whats going on around the American President.
The article reports that American President Barrack Obama receives atleast 30 death threats per day , making him unique on receiving the highest death threats for an American President.
The issue was under the cover by the Secret Service fearing more threats. But its out on a new book mentioning the threats that Obama receive. The Secret Service is actually a well trained cops to guard the American President.The book was written by the President of Secret Service named Ronald Kessler.
The book reports that the death threats for Obama is 400 percent high than any other American President so far. The Secret Service who was in-charged for the Presidential Ceremony where Barrack Obama took Oath as the American President, reports that there were much threats from the local Somalian group trying to kill the new president.
The Book goes on to add that, fearing for the safety of the incoming new President, the secret service deployment almost 40,000 agents and officers from some 94 police, military and security agencies.
According to The Telegraph, some of the threats issued against Obama, whose Secret Service codename is Renegade, have been publicized.
After Obama was elected president, his two children Malia, 11, codenamed Radiance, and Sasha, eight, codenamed Rosebud, began receiving Secret Service protection.
Obama’s wife Michelle is codenamed Renaissance. The Secret Service also started to protect Vice-President Joe Biden’s children, grandchildren, and mother.
The poor Secret Service agent who were less in number worked very hard for the safety of the President. One of the a Secret Service agent goes on to say
“We have half the number of agents we need, but requests for more agents have fallen on deaf ears at headquarters,”.
Well, all this is done for the safety of the first citizen of the states. And its worth the honor to serve the country and the President of USA .