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Virginia Tech Gunman scare!

Virgina Tech was locked down  today on rumors of three summer campers  kids spotting a gunman in the campus.

An immediate massive search was conducted all over the school to find out the gunman. I would say the better words to describe him will be  stranger with a gun.

The Cops and the Virgina Tech inmates, after a long day search, could not find the suspicious tall figure and white vertically striped shirt  person any where in the campus.

At 2.30 pm, the police  called off the search

Students Fear

Earlier, Thursday morning, three kids who were among hundreds attending the summer camp, saw six-foot-tall white man, in gray shorts and sandals, walking quickly with what looked like a handgun concealed by a cloth.

A text was made to students all over the university about a unidentified gunman in the campus.

WashingtonPost quotes the  text message as, “Person with a gun reported near [dining hall],” an alert posted at 9:37 a.m read. “Stay Inside. Secure doors. Emergency personnel responding. Call 911 for help.”

We’re in Blacksburg,” said Alex Watt, 19, a sophomore from Springfield, who was on campus Thursday. “And because of the history, it makes it scarier.”

Virginia Tech, has an horrible history of massacre which is still remembered by millions of parents and students. Back in 2007, 2 unidentified gunman killed 17 kids and shot themselves which is the worst incident in the history of Virginia Tech.

Police : We had Credible Information

Campus Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said in an afternoon statement: “We have interviewed several persons similar in description to that provided by witnesses this morning. None of those subjects are the person described.”

Police had questioned the three campers further and deemed their information credible, Flinchum said. “The officers interviewed them, and the information they gave was very detailed,” he said. “The description of what they saw, the officers believed them, and so we deemed it credible at that point.”

Communicate first Investigate later

Larry Hincker, a university spokesman, said: “We really need to communicate first and investigate later, and that’s what we did.”

Virginia Tech revamped its alert system after the 2007 shootings. A university official said Thursday that more than 48,000 students and campus personnel received a text message alert and that an e-mail alert was sent to every student and school employee.

“We’re in a new era,” Hincker said. “Obviously the campus went through something terrible four years ago, and the choice facing us, and particularly the police departments, is when you get a report, what are you going to do with the report, regardless of what the veracity may be or the ultimate conclusion might be.”

I believe, the response time by the School staff and the Cops for the reports of unidentified gunman in the campus deserves a standing applause. Incidents like 2007 should never happen EVER!!!

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